First of all, I must say it feels really good to be back! It has been over a month since I've written in my journal and nearly three months since I've posted to this blog.
Yesterday I came home from work early. I'd been feeling ill for a couple days so I resigned myself to come home and go straight to bed to give my body some much needed rest. I don't always take the best care of myself. Even now. I have a habit of go, go, going until I can't go anymore.
Well when I woke up this morning I felt slightly better. I got out of bed and looked out the window to see what the weather was like. Overcast and gloomy. Hmmm... I think I'll get back in bed and stay there all day.
Well when I woke up this morning I felt slightly better. I got out of bed and looked out the window to see what the weather was like. Overcast and gloomy. Hmmm... I think I'll get back in bed and stay there all day.
Well after having the most amazing quiet time, I was suddenly inspired to write! As soon as the pen hit the paper, it was like healing salve for my soul. Why had I stayed away for so long!? Illness, bad weather, whatever. Whatever it takes to slow me down enough that I get alone and still with God and let Him revive me - physically, mentally and spiritually - with a pen in my hand. I am grateful.
“The root of worry and fear is an orphan spirit.”*
I've been reflecting on this a lot since my pastor said it last Sunday. Not only does it make me extremely grateful for my life transformation since returning to my Father, but it makes me think of those passages in the Bible where Jesus talks about the little children.
“...whoever humbles himself like this child...” {Matthew 18:1-4}
“Let the children come to me and do not hinder them...'” {Mark 10:13-15}
When I read these I always tear up. I picture Jesus sitting down in His robe and sandalled feet and a little child climbing into His lap.
I am that little child.
It makes me think of this line from that song by Josh Garrels, Children of the Earth:
“The older we become, we must become more like a child”
This is one of the many paradoxes I have found to be true in my own spiritual growth. When I was out there on my own and didn't want anything to do with the Father who loved me, I was alone and scared to death. I was selfish and insecure. I did not trust. I was stumbling around in darkness. I was lost.
But when I returned to my Father, He began to transform me...
“from a restless slave into a trusting child.”*
“from a restless slave into a trusting child.”*
Trusting in Him has changed everything! My life is a lot simpler today but it actually has purpose and meaning for the first time. I am no longer living a selfish and lonely existence. I am secure for the first time.
Secure in my Father's love. And His will for me.
And when the old worries, doubts and fears creep in ...which they often do... I return to the beginning: SURRENDER. I live life one day at a time now. And I'm constantly having to turn my life and my will back over to Him, the One who loves me.
Because I am His child and He knows what's best for me. He takes care of me.
That's what fathers do.
*Josh Lipscomb