..:♥:.. [The contemplations of one former prodigal.] ..:♥:.. [love.] ..:♥:.. [life.] ..:♥:.. [and other random musings.] ..:♥:..

08 March 2012

Women Rock!!!

Today is International Women's Day! 

I want to take a moment to thank all the women I know who are making a difference...in my life...in my church...in the body of Christ...in the community...and in the world!

My life has been touched by so many gracious, loving, empowered ladies who have tirelessly listened, laughed, prayed, cooked, loved, hugged, kissed boo boos, served, worked, driven, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc...........

And though we are aliens and strangers in this world in which we temporarily live, don't you just love all the little things women do to make this world a more beautiful, loving place to live in!?

Happy International Women's Day Ladies!

You rock!!!

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