After the Miley Cyrus VMA debacle, I happened to read this great article The Dear Miley Aftermath on a blog by a 27 year old kindred spirit named Rihanna. The title of her blog is LOVE. The headline is Romans 12:11: “Never be lacking in passion.” I’m intrigued.
I go on to read that she has overcome many challenges in her life, namely an eating disorder, and that she has done it through an intimate, passionate relationship with God. She shares on her blog a list of affirmations she spoke over herself for a full year that completely transformed her life and empowered her recovery. I began speaking them over myself and will be using them from this day forward for the next year. I am ready to be transformed even more! From glory to glory Lord!
“You will decree a thing and it will be established for you and a light will shine on your ways.” –Job 22:28
Beautiful. Jesus is enthralled by my beauty. People see the beauty of Jesus when they look at me.
Worthy. Jesus made me worthy of love and all good things. I am worth getting to know, befriending, loving and keeping.
More Than A Conqueror. I am strong. I was put here for such a time as this, for a purpose. God is stirring a new strength in me for the world around me.
A New Creation. The old me has passed away and the Lord is making me great and powerful.
God’s Favored. God awaited the day I was born. Every day is a new adventure. He fought long and hard for my heart and He longs for all of me.
A friend of God. God speaks to me every day and I am able to recognize His voice. I have a deep, intimate relationship with the Father.
A friend of people. People are naturally attracted to me and I am deserving of good friends.
Irreplaceable. I am the only one who has ever had my calling. God has equipped me to accomplish my dreams, calling and destiny.
“Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach – words kill; words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.” –Proverbs 18:20-21
I choose life. I choose LOVE… of God, myself and others. <3
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