Today these verses kept coming to mind over and over. You see, since I have come to know God and His Word, the most amazing thing happens! Just when I need it the most, God (by His Holy Spirit) reminds me of just what I need to hear at the exact moment I need to hear it! -->[Click here for: John 14:26] Yes, my friends, He is that personal. God is an intimately personal God, and He desires to have that kind of intimacy with all of us!
Starting over, these verses have been essential to me – not just in my recovery and my relationship with God, but in my relationships with others. At first I thought the whole “Christian life” was just about overcoming my addictions and avoiding the other “obvious sins” in my life. But once I accepted Christ and began seeking God’s truth, I realized that this “recovery” isn’t just about the physical, the emotional, or even the spiritual - it is about a complete and total transformation of the mind! -->[Click here for: Romans 12:2]
Up to that point, my attitude about everything in life was completely wrong. I had placed myself on a pedestal and unknowingly become my own god. I didn’t even know how, much less have the desire, to be humble like Christ. I was so used to serving myself, I did it automatically without even thinking! Even when I was in my darkest hour, my destructive behavior and self-pity were signs of my self-centered way of thinking. As soon as God revealed this truth to me, I had a breakthrough! My mind is now being transformed more and more every day. I now am seeking to have the same attitude and mindset that Christ had toward everything and everybody that comes my way. This, I believe, is what will allow me to be more like Christ, and less like me! Hallelujah!
Ok, so here’s how I break the verses down and apply them to my life:
“In your relationships with one another, have the same attitude of mind Christ Jesus had” (v. 5)
This tells me that God places a lot of value on relationships. It also shows me that Jesus Christ is my model of how to be in relationship with others.
“Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage” (v. 6)
Even though He was God, He gave up the title! He didn’t have to announce His credentials and throw His weight around to get what He wanted! Even though He was God, He didn’t lord His authority over people. This tells me that no matter what a person’s position or social standing is in this life, we are not greater than the One who gave it to us! We must never abuse it by taking advantage of others or by using it for our own selfish gain. We must not think too highly of ourselves either! -->[Click here for: Romans 12:3; James 4:6]
“Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” (v. 7)
This tells me that I need to humble myself in service to others, just as Christ left the perfection of heaven, became a man, and gave up all of His rights as God to become a servant. If God could humble Himself to the position of a servant, then I certainly must! -->[Click here for: Mark 10:43-45]
“And then, being found in appearance as a human being, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” (v. 8)
Wow! He was obedient to the point of dying a humiliating death on a cross like some common criminal! And what’s more, they didn’t put Him on the cross, He did! He allowed them to kill Him, so that He could save them - the very people nailing Him to the cross!!! And that means all of us!
[[I have to pause for a moment of silence on that one.]]
So great is God’s love and compassion for us, that while He was dying on the cross, He uttered these words: “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” -->[Click here for: Luke 23:34]. This tells me that I must humble myself before God, and be obedient even when it’s painful or humiliating. I must also forgive others their offenses because He has so graciously forgiven me all of my many, many offenses. --->[Click here for: Colossians 3:13; Luke 17:4]
“Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (v. 9-11)
Wow! That says it all!
So finally, that tells me:
So finally, that tells me:
[[Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.]] -James 4:10
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