..:♥:.. [The contemplations of one former prodigal.] ..:♥:.. [love.] ..:♥:.. [life.] ..:♥:.. [and other random musings.] ..:♥:..

02 December 2011

Live United!

I am very excited!  Monday I am beginning my internship with my local United Way: http://www.unitedwayescambia.org/. I will be a Campaign Assistant in their Finance Department. I am looking forward to “Being The Change” and meeting some of the dedicated individuals in my community working to make it a better place to live.

It never ceases to amaze me that despite all of the corruption and evil in the world, there is still so much love and beauty. If you are looking for it, you will find it my friend!

For those that don’t know, your local United Way brings together agencies, businesses, organizations, faith-based groups, government and individuals to focus on the problems and issues that are most important and relevant in your community. Their aim is to improve lives and to build strong, healthy communities.

--> To learn more about this amazing organization and how you can get involved, go to: http://www.liveunited.org/ and enter your zip code to find your local office.

Peace, Love & Blessings!

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